Our Young Pre classroom is for ages his age group is working on.
• Last few years, this section works under two main objectives
a) Experiential learning
b) Enable students to gain admission to professional courses.
• There are lot of activities done in our laboratories. CBSE recommended investigatory project for Physics, Chemistry and Biology. These projects are done in school laboratories under the guidance of our faculties.
• The course offered in the Senior Secondary stage primarily aims at grooming the students in such a way that after completing the senior secondary stage they could develop competence to pursue professional courses like engineering medicine, dentistry , veterinary science, agriculture etc. in their future career. In addition to the school offers the study of computer science with all the equipment required for the purpose.
All infrastructure , equipment and chemical are made available to the students.
Labs are designed as per the latest CBSE curriculum. Lab is fully equipped with good quality apparatus, chemicals and amenities. Lab is designed in a way to enable smooth working of about thirty students at a time. Lab is very spacious and well ventilated, that ensured safety of the students.
The school has a spacious, well equipped and furnished laboratory. It has many monocular and compound microscopes. It has lot at botany and zoology specimen jars, charts and still and working models that is required for a sound leaning.